INCANTO oil and acrylic spray on canvas 27x35 cm 2019_Pietro Capogrosso_Photographer by Giorgio Benni_At Art Gallery Finestreria
Art Gallery Finestreria ORIZZONTI, an exhibition by Pietro Capogrosso, Trani 1967. His silent, meditative, harmonious painting evokes the light of noontide. The memories of his sunny childhood have been enclosed in his landscapes of affection for years; these have then gradually become rarefied, distilled, abstracted from the troubles of the world. His gaze is affected by a direct light, which produces a borderline visibility, a suspension between figuration and abstraction. His elegant, dusty, pale, pastel colours, sugar paper, pale pink, Naples yellow, recall Morandi, the diaphanous painting of Belgian Luc Tuymans. In his saline painting, the landscape slowly evaporates. The horizon line seems to extend into a muffled infinity made of dazzling light.
Art Gallery Finestreria